Ozone is the best bactericide, germicide, virucide and natural disinfectant that exists, due to its great oxidising power. Its disinfectant power is far superior to that of chlorine and after fluorine, ozone is the most effective known. Its elimination action is based on the destruction of colonies and micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, moulds, spores...) that cause many illnesses. In quantities perfectly admissible for human beings, it acts effectively as a bacteriostatic and fungistatic agent.
Ozone not only preserves the fruit from the formation of fungi, moulds, spores and bacterial colonies, but also keeps the premises disinfected, thus avoiding the costly disinfections that are required between two consecutive shipments.
Ozone delays ripening by 20% to 30%, which considerably prolongs storage time.
Due to its deodorising action, ozone destroys ethylene gases, which are produced by most species (citrus fruits are a good example of this fact), preventing the transmission of flavours from one species to another. It is advisable to start the ozonisation process, both during transport and in the packaging, so that the fruit arrives at the cans in perfect condition. For some varieties, intermittent ozonisation is very effective, e.g. for apples. The dosage in these cases ranges from 1 to 3 ppm/v.